I am here now

Exhibition Hours

October 14—20, 2010

Daily, 10am—4pm

Opening Reception

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The New Wight Gallery (map)


Tiffany Trenda



terrarium 1

Terrarium is an interactive performance using a live image of the audience that is played on a screen found on the artist’s face. The audience is be able to see themselves interact with the performer while a moving graphic of growing plants outlines the screen. A video projection is projecting on a wall found in the back wall and on the body of the performer. The performance itself is the act of reaching out to the audience with my hand. The viewer places their hand out to try and connect with the artist. Together, the viewer and artist move their hands together. It as an inpromptu performance as pure connectivity of energy and electricity from person to person.

terrarium 2

Tiffany Trenda is a video installation performance artist based out of Malibu, CA. She received her BFA from Art Center College of Design and is finishing her MFA at UCLA Design and Media Arts. She has exhibited at Robert Berman, Farmani Gallery, Photo San Francisco, Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, Korean Cultural Center, Highways, and Track 16. In 2009, she created an artist installation for Photo Los Angeles and performed live. Later that year she performed “Entropy” at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Trenda won the prize of The Artist of the Year at the London Creative Awards in 2008 and 2009. Recently, she performed at World Fair in Shanghai, China.

Tiffany Trenda's work is an investigation of how we are defined and redefined through the integration of technology. She questions how the machine has become an intrinsic part of the body and how the inorganic fused with the organic is a collage of time and space. Her central process is to take technology (LCDs, video projectors, cameras, etc.) and create a digital environment with an embodied performance that simulates the human psyche inside a nostalgic digital world. The viewer is physically and visually immersed in the process in how the psyche evolves to relate and survive within the machine.

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