Our Mother’s Garden: The Bay Area Muslim Community Through the Lends of Motherhood

Anne-Fatima Syed

Our Mother’s Garden: The Bay Area Muslim Community Through the Lens of Motherhood is a compilation of six interviews done by daughters with their mothers in the Bay Area. Sophia Ahmad, Noor Sheikh, Raneem Merlin, Israa Dabour, Hanaan Osman, and Sarah Harb all interview their mothers on their experiences and contributions to the greater Bay Area Muslim community. In between these interviews are excerpts from “The Bay Area Muslim Study” led by Professor Hatem Bazian and Farid Senzai published by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) in 2013. “The Bay Area Muslim Study” is a benchmark study that serves groundbreaking data on the Bay Area Muslim Community. The imagery represented throughout the interviews was provided to me with pictures of objects that represent and remind the mothers of their motherland. This includes the national flower of the motherland, the mother’s hands, and handwritten note from each Mother responding to, “What does it mean to be…” in accordance with their identity.

Anne-Fatima Syed