Those Found and Met at the Birthplace of Los Angeles, Olvera Street

Those Found and Met at the Birthplace of Los Angeles, Olvera Street is a journalistic photography book that documents the vibrant scenes and hidden treasures of Olvera Street, the Mexican marketplace once the earliest part of Downtown L.A. The book highlights rich stories shared by folks within the community and explores profound meanings behind the miscellaneous objects captured.

During my first visit to the site as a freshman at UCLA from suburban Taiwan, I jotted down the word “hopeful”. As to how the early establishment on Olvera Street planted the seeds for the ever-changing L.A., this city has been nurturing my constantly developing identity. Returning to campus as a junior with a fresh personal mindset and relationship with the city, I revisited the site. Through different interactions encountered, I realized that the hope I felt from my previous trip didn’t arise simply from this place’s colorful merchandise, enthusiastic people, and cheerful music.

Like how photographs freeze fleeting moments, Olvera Street preserves heritages from the past. It gives us a measure of what could be carried on, exchanged, and innovated through generations. By preserving what I experienced in this marketplace into this book, I strive to not only provide a glimpse of the history but an optimistic outlook for the future.

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tells stories through her practice in photojournalism and graphic design, or a combination of both as seen in this piece! She discovers unsung narratives, documents shared memories, and delivers cultural experiences from different communities.

If you would like to share your stories with me :’D