“Adventures on the Bonsai Tree” is an illustrative short story that celebrates my grandfather’s life and the represents memories that I wish we could have had together in a perfect, dreamlike world. Started right after his passing in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was deeply impacted by this sudden loss as I had no means of being able to be by his bedside during his last few days. My grandfather was one of the most treasured people in my life and many of my earliest memories encapsulate the deep relationship that I had with him. Our conversations influenced much of my interest in Chinese culture, which has in turn set the precedent for my current artistic styles. This story is loosely inspired by the stories that he used to tell me of his childhood during the Second Sino-Japanese War, but with a much happier twist.
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With foundations primarily in the fine arts, Amie enjoys exploring the illustrative world of digital media through storytelling. Her works reflect the visual representations of how she perceives the world around her and portrays how culture and society may influence the likes of an artist. She is constantly seeking new forms of creativity and is eager to explore the intersections of technology, culture, and design.