When I was younger, the majority of my happiness came from riding the swings in the park near my childhood home. As I grew up, my excitement of going to the park became more and more obsolete as I found new hobbies and made new friends. It was when I visited the same park, that I realized a part of my youth had become abandoned, as I grew out of the simple joy of playing on the swings. In “Swings”, I acknowledge a portion of my youth. Using childhood books, I constructed my own swing and documented it in motion. This piece represents myself signifying my transition out of my childhood, yet still cherishing the moments that continuously molds who I am today. 


Exploring my curiosity through other people that fascinated me, and through photography, I was able to cultivate my thoughts through the individuals that I observed. My images acknowledge my watchful consideration of people’s relationships and the landscapes that they’re in. The process of watching and waiting in photography attracted me, as it was more than capturing an image. It was the act of spending time to see things in a less than a literal way. 

My artwork primarily became focused on exploiting the vulnerability of humans, and compelling them to ask themselves questions of their existence they would not think of. Being an artist, I became exposed to the freedom of being able to experiment with different styles and techniques, while also maintaining the same perspective and meaning. Through my work, I wish for people to prompt their curiosity through my own and with the different perspectives I gathered through my experiences in photography.