
The Media Arts Research Space (MARS) provides faculty and graduate students access to hard to find audiovisual material and literature from the fields of media arts and design. MARS contains several hundred videotapes, laserdiscs, CD-ROMs, DVDs and books. It also has basic viewing facilities for video, DVDs and laserdiscs, as well as for Internet-based works. The collection is curated by Professor Erkki Huhtamo.

Rules & Guidelines

Permission to use MARS can be given to DMA faculty, staff, graduate students, or others associated with the activities of the department. In the latter case, a written recommendation by a DMA Senate Faculty member will be required. The decision will be made by the MARS supervisor. When the permission has been granted, you will get card access to the premises.

After obtaining the permission to use MARS, you have unlimited access to its facilities. this must conform to the rules concerning the use of MARS and the opening hours of the Broad Art Center. When scheduled classes or meetings are held at MARS, access is denied.

No-one is allowed to enter the MARS premises without an official permit. this concerns especially people outside the DMA community.

NO item belonging to MARS shall be taken out from the room where MARS is located, not even for a brief moment. For exceptions, see next point

In pressing cases, such as giving a presentation or teaching a class, an item may be checked out for a brief time. You must contact the MARS faculty supervisor for approval prior to taking the item out. The maximum loan time is one week. All items used in MARS or taken out should be placed in the returns bin in MARS. Items may not be left lying on tables, seats, etc.

You must handle all the items with utmost care. If you accidentally damage or lose an item, please report it immediately to the MARS supervisor or assistants. You may be asked to replace the damaged or lost item or to cover its cost.

After using the audiovisual equipment, you must switch them off. NOTE: If you are the last person to leave the room, you must close the windows and turn off the lights.

You must take out all your trash and keep MARS tidy and clean.

Failure to respect these rules will automatically lead to the cancellation of your access to MARS.

MARS SOUND STUDIO is available for the faculty, grad students and visitors upon request. Reservations can be made through the MARS website. The request will be reviewed by the MARS team. Use instructions will be available on the website.


All materials must remain in MARS. To checkout materials or request new items, please submit your request(s) using the contact form.


To reserve or schedule an event in MARS, please review the calendar for availability and use the contact form to submit a request.
